Ottakar's Bookshop, Fareham, Hampshire 02 October 2004 1/65
It takes a fair amount of self-belief to even contemplate writing your debut novel... And the results are superb. Professor P is an enthralling tale...
Mungles Jungle, Brighton, East Sussex 11 November 2004 4/65
Thank you so much for coming last Saturday. I really appreciate the time you took, the work your did - it was so kind of you. It was really inspirational to hear you explain how Professor P came into being... I sincerely wish you all the best with Prof P - it thoroughly deserves to sell millions!
Ottakar's Bookshop, Wells, Somerset 20 November 2004 5/65
I think the book was really good because it was an exciting story. My favourite part was when they got attacked by dinosaurs and sharks and when they played with the friendly but fierce-looking sea creature, the Ichthyosaurus...
Upton Junior School, Poole, Dorset 26 January 2005 7/65
We had such a good morning with you - the children were fascinated and many are now going to be fossil enthusiasts! Thank you for inspiring the children, I'm sure they will remember their meeting with an author for many years to come...
West Pennard School, Glastonbury, Somerset 28 February 2005 8/65
I would like to thank you on behalf of the children for your really enthralling talks with the children on Monday. We all loved the tale behind the story...
Ottakar's Bookshop, Fareham, Hampshire 04 March 2005 9/65
It takes a fair amount of self-belief to even contemplate writing your debut novel... And the results are superb. Professor P is an enthralling tale...
Wookey Primary School, Wells, Somerset 22 March 2005 11/65
On behalf of all the children at Wookey Primary School I would like to thank you for your visit at the end of last term. The children found it extremely interesting and they are all looking forward to reading Professor P and the Jurassic Coast...
Bournes Bookworld, Weymouth, Dorset 18 June 2005 12/65
After the talk and signing I gave an interview with Peter Lythgoe from ZZipp Creatives about why I wrote Professor P and the Jurassic Coast and why I decided to publish the book myself.
I did like the book very much because of the way it was written. I like the story plan. I like the idea of a time machine also, I like the fossil guide. I like the way that you keep the reader interested all the time. It keeps you in suspense even at the end. The story is full of adventures. My favourite adventure is when Peter, Tara and Floppy were in the Jurassic Period because it is so unusual. My favourite chapters are the Safe and Shark Attack. It was difficult to put the book down.
Thanks so much for coming to visit our store - it was a great success - do hope you can come again next summer.
Thanks to everyone who attended - it was great to meet you all! I hope to return in June, visiting schools in York and doing another signing in Borders.
Thank you for coming to our school - it was fantastic. I love your story - everyone loves it - you made me read and write a lot more. I really hope you write a lot more books so I can read a lot more...
Northstead Community Primary School, Scarborough, North Yorkshire 10 November 2005 18/65
It was great to visit the Yorkshire Jurassic Coast. Thanks to all the children at Northstead for making me feel so welcome. Afterwards I went onto the beach and found some great fossils...
Bethany Junior School, Bournemouth, Dorset 16 January 2006 19/65
Just a quick note to thank you for your visit. The children and staff really enjoyed it and I now have a group of children reading your book in class. The photograph is great and is being put up in a prominent place in the library and the Bournemouth Echo also published it. I will certainly recommend you to other schools in the area. Please keep us advised when of the next book in the series is published...
Shalfleet Primary School, Newport, Isle of Wight 06 February 2006 21/65
Thank you very much for coming to visit Sky class yesterday. We loved to see your fossils and hear part of your story. We are still very busy making our own books today.
St Mary's Primary School, Beaminster, Dorset 10 February 2006 22/65
It was wonderful to visit St Mary's Primary School in Beaminster - I was particularly impressed with the Professor P books that year 6 were making - they were full of lovely drawings and great ideas. I'd love to see them all when they are finished!
Buckholme Towers School, Poole, Dorset 20 February 2006 23/65
We really enjoyed your visit and offer our heart-felt thanks. The children in year 6 suggested that we read the book together in class. To hear about you life and your interests and how your son has inspired you to write, was inspirational and the children thoroughly enjoyed meeting and listening to you, as did the staff. We wish you every success in the future with your next book...
Ottakar's Bookshop, Godalming, Surrey 23 February 2006 24/65
Thank you to all those who attended the fantastic talk by Peter J. Davidson. It was a hit amongst children and parents alike who were able to share in their passion for fossils and educational reading...
Thank you for coming in and giving a wonderful talk about your book. I visited your website, the games were very enjoyable and the deleted scenes were really interesting to read. I loved Professor P and the Jurassic Coast and could hardly bear to put it down... It was brilliant meeting you.
Thank you for coming to my school. I had lots of fun. I particularly enjoyed listening to part of your book, my favourite character must be Sleepy, the super-active dog! I learnt that you don't need to be a wizz at writing to become a book writer - that's a big relief. I hope you write another book.
I am writing to say thank you for coming to our school, I really enjoyed it and I found all your fossils interesting, I thought the shark's tooth the best one. I have just bought your book and can not put it down mid way through it, I'm really looking forward to your next book to come out - it sounds fantastic
Thank you so much for the wonderful book signing. I wanted to drop you a line to say that we have now sold 110 copies of the book since your event and Professor P was our number one bestseller last week - bumping all other books into oblivion!
Compton Dundon Primary School, Somerset 24 April 2006 27/65
Thank you so much for visiting us today! All the children have been buzzing about your book, fossils and your personal story. My class have been so inspired and enthused by your reading that they were totally silent and focused today when writing their own missing scenes - thank you!
Both class 2 and 3 said that your book is written in a way that they can understand and that the words are simple, but still help them paint exciting pictures in their heads. All children, from the least to the most able enjoyed your visit and want to write and write themselves! What more can I ask!
My class particularly empathised with your own feelings towards and difficulties with literacy. Some children said that you have 'boosted their confidence' regarding literacy. One boy said that he had 'given up with literacy', but that you have made him think that it is worth working at!
I will be thoroughly recommending your book and your visit to colleagues at other schools and will be sending a report to the Wells Journal and to parents (with order forms!).
Creech St Michael Primary School, Taunton, Somerset 16 May 2006 29/65
Great book! My first pupil (yr 5 age 10) finished it in one and a half days (including surreptitiously in lesson times e.g. maths), reckons it to be better than H.P., and is desperate to read the next in the series. I enjoyed it as well! We would love you to come and talk to us/ work with us. Contact us if you can!
We all loved your visit and hope you can come again when your next book is finished...
Thank you for coming to spend some time with us. We really enjoyed it...
I had such an enthusiastic response at Creech St Michael Primary School! Thanks to Amelia and Alex in Year 5 for sending me such wonderful pieces of writing after my visit.
Clyst St Mary Primary School, Exeter, Devon 24 May 2006 30/65
On behalf of all the children and staff here at Clyst St Mary Primary School, I would like to thank you for a fantastic afternoon of storytelling adventure, and it is this kind of experience that the children will talk about for a long time...
It is always encouraging when someone such as yourself is prepared to give up their time to enrich our children's learning experience and bring them something to feed their imaginations. I think you have inspired many of them to take up creative writing. Thank you again for a wonderful experience.
St Mary's Primary School, Timsbury, Bath 07 June 2006 31/65
Thank you for a wonderful visit, the children really enjoyed your talk and looking at the fossils - many are planning on going fossil hunting when they are on holiday...
Once again many thanks for visiting us, it was an enjoyable morning for all.
Woodlands Junior School, Tonbridge, Kent 12 June 2006 32/65
I can't begin to tell you how much the children enjoyed your visit, not just my class, but the other 2 classes as well. They are all now insisting that they have your book as the class story for the rest of the term...
Thank you so much for coming to our school and for showing us all your amazing fossils. I have heard so much about fossils and now to actually hold one to me, is amazing. Thank you very much for giving us the signed bookmark. Sleepy is so soft and fluffy I just wanted to cuddle her. It was fab to hear Jurassic Coast read in the voices of the person who thought of them. I had never dreamed about how amazing the book could be. I loved hearing your life story and how you became a writer.
Thank you for coming in to our class...and a big thank you because you inspired me to be an author.
Park Street Primary School, Cambridge 19 June 2006 33/65
Thanks again for such an interesting talk - the children were quite enthralled. The photo is lovely and they are avidly using their bookmarks! A few more copies of your book have appeared in drawers as well! The signed photo is a real treat!
St David's Primary School, Exeter 26 June 2006 34/65
Thank you for a wonderful morning...
Thank you for coming to our school... I loved the book and my favourite characters were Floppy and Sparky. I liked Sparky because she was like my dog Sparkle...
Thank you for coming to our school... I think your inventions are really cool. I'm going to make a chocolate bar that keeps on growing when you eat it...
Thank you very much for coming to our class... Your book is even better than Jurassic Park. I hope people like your book as much as I like it...
St Andrew's Junior School, Congresbury, Bristol 28 June 2006 35/65
Many thanks for coming to school to see us, the children were so excited and I think your visit made the book come alive, even more so than it already was!!
We would just like to say thank you for coming to St Andrew's Junior School... Thank you so much for bringing in some fantastic fossils - your ammonites were amazing and so were you!
Ilsington Primary School, Devon 17 July 2006 36/65
Thank you too, it was wonderful to meet you and the children were very inspired by your visit they are now writing lots of letters to you adding in many new ideas for your next book! Thank you again and good luck with the rest of your writing...
It was wonderful to receive so many thank you letters from the children at Ilsington - I loved your suggestions and ideas for my next book. Many thanks to Maddie and Jessica for their sample chapters.
Churchill Primary School, North Somerset 11 September 2006 37/65
Thank you very much for coming in to our school. We really enjoyed your visit! You're very kind especially as it was out of your own time and we didn't pay you. Our class is really enjoying Jurassic Coast. Please write another book...
East Worlington Primary School, Devon 18 September 2006 38/65
Thank you for coming in and teaching us all about fossils and where they come from. It was fascinating to learn about fossils - you brought so many fossils in. The stories you told us about your son were good. The stories were so funny. Your new book looks very good...
Hazlegrove Preparatory School, Somerset 02 October 2006 39/65
Thank you so much for coming to Hazlegrove and for your very enjoyable talk on the Jurassic Coast. The pupils found it fascinating and we had lots of positive feedback from them...
Staplegrove Primary School, Taunton, Somerset 12 October 2006 41/65
Thank you very much for spending the afternoon with us - it really enthused the children enormously! My book group were all buzzing and telling me about how it had all started with the story for your son. We will keep in touch!
Weston All Saints Primary School, Bath 16 October 2006 42/65
Thank you for coming in and reading to Year 6. We all enjoyed it! I especially enjoyed looking and touching the fossils. My favourite fossil was the sharks tooth. I think your book is great, especially the talking toaster. Right now I'm reading Professor P and the Jurassic Coast. I think it's brilliant!...
I am writing to say that we especially enjoyed you coming to read some of your story to us. At the moment I am reading Professor P and the Jurassic Coast - it is amazing!...
Uphill Community Primary School, Weston-super-Mare, North Somerset 06 November 2006 43/65
...We all had a wonderful time and gained so much from your visit. Several 'novels' are now being worked on around the school. At playtime several huddles of children can be seen reading the latest work! We have also had some fossilised coral brought in for 'Show and Tell' in Year 6.
You certainly managed to tap into several areas of interest for our pupils. Many thanks again - visits like yours add so much to the enriching experiences we try to give our pupils.
Peasedown St John Primary School, Somerset 27 November 2006 45/65
Drawing by Danielle from Sunflower Class
On behalf of us all, I would like to thank you for your visit to us on 27th November. I think I can speak for us all in saying that the visit was a huge success with the children who enjoyed the day enormously...
Dear Professor P
I loved your story, it was fantastic. I wish you could come again. Thank you...
It was wonderful to visit the whole school (Reception to Year 6) for Dinosaur Week. Yes, I'd love to come again and read some of my next book.
Mead Vale Primary School, Weston-Super-Mare, North Somerset 15 January 2007 46/65
It was lovely to visit the entire school, from Reception to Year 6 - and get such an great response from all ages. I was very impressed with the Year 6 class who worked so hard to produce my autobiography.
Hugh Sexey Middle School, Somerset 23 May 2007 56/65
Just a quick note to thank you for coming to see us! Two teachers have sought me out to say how good they thought it was, and several children also, so obviously a good time was had by all! (One or two kids were under the impression that you used to be Doctor Who..........!)
Two years ago, you very kindly visited my' Professor P' crazy class at Seaton CP School. I now have another class who are completely bowled over with the book and are thoroughly enjoying your web site...
Cleve House School, Bristol 16 November 2007 60/65
Such a great reception from the whole school! I particularly enjoyed visiting the Year 6 class who persuaded me to read a chapter from my next book, Professor P and the Jurassic Island. Thanks for all your letters.
...we want to tell you how good your book was. Our teacher read it to us and the whole class enjoyed it and were laughing the whole way through...
Churcher's College Junior School, Hampshire 11 February 2008 62/65
I liked your story. It made me feel excited and I wanted to read more and more and another book of yours...Thank you for writing books for us it is wonderful reading them...
I have just finished your book and I think it is amazing!!!
Oakhyrst Grange School, Surrey 28 April 2008 64/65
One of the children in my class has been reading 'Professor P and the Jurassic Coast' and has been really inspired by it, which in turn has made others very interested... We would love you to visit...
Lulworth & Winfrith First School, Dorset 13 May 2008 65/65
Thank you so much for coming to visit us. The children really enjoyed it and haven't stopped talking about you. Their parents heard all about you when they got home. The children wanted to send you some thank you cards they made...
Thanks for the lovely cards!
All past events
12/03/2015 Ashcott Primary School, Somerset
05/03/2015 Watcombe Primary School, Devon
19/01/2015 Blackpool Primary School, Devon
06/10/2014 Verwood First School, Dorset
02/04/2014 Horningsham Primary School, Wiltshire
05/12/2013 Beaulieu Village Primary School, Hampshire
20/11/2013 St. Christopher's School, Totnes, Devon